What Going Back To Workplace Would Look Like In 2021?
A before and after of the workplace during the pandemic + measures to enhance workplace safety
There is no denying the fact that our lives took a complete 180o in 2020 when we were all hit with the news that an unknown virus, taking its origin in Wuhan, China, (1, 2, 3) was infecting and killing thousands of people around the world.
At this point, not a lot of us were even aware of the severity of the virus. Some were even quick to dismiss the virus and claimed that it will go away on its own.
It wasn’t until the WHO officially announced that this unknown virus had a name – Covid-19 that everyone started to pay attention to the severity of it. The initial strains took hundreds of lives around the world –every day. The fast-growing virus made WHO change the characterization of Covid-19 from endemic to pandemic in less than a month.
The world was in an emergency like never before. Countries around the world were called to ‘prepare and be ready’ for the worst. Even economically viable countries like the U.S. were having a hard time containing the virus and accommodating medical care for the infected.
While the scenario around the healthcare sector was pretty stressful, there was also another loud knock on the world’s door- A distressed world economy.
The initial lockdowns, complete pause on most business operations, stoppage of all modes of transportation, especially air travel, made the stock markets crash, pushing many countries into depression.
A few weeks later the WHO announced protocols to avoid the Covid-19 virus.
Search For Vaccine
As time went by, the world looked for a solution by conducting thorough clinical studies and research. Soon after, the race to produce the anti-dose for the virus was at full speed.
Fortunately, by the end of 2020, vaccines were announced and now being distributed to various countries around the world.
While we may associate vaccine = solution to all our problems. Experts say otherwise.
The vaccine is not the end of the pandemic or the end of the Covid-19 virus.
A vaccine is not going to put us on the road to normalcy. At least not yet.
But you know what will? Continuing to follow the safety protocols and practicing physical distancing.
The virus is still going to spread, with or without the vaccine.
However, following the safety measures would help prevent the spread of the virus and minimize damage.
Old Normal Vs New Normal
If you told me somewhere in 2018 that the world would be battling a deadly virus and all our lives will be drastically affected because of the said virus, maybe I would not have believed you.
I mean nobody could imagine a world where everyone is required to put on masks if they’re stepping outside. We used to hang out with friends or network with professionals after work over a couple of drinks – carefree.
Because it was a time where we did not know any life-threatening virus that would affect everyone at this rate.
But we’re living in times where our “normal” has been reduced to a memory.
Work From Home/ Remote Work
Remote work or work from home orders have been issued by most companies in light of protecting employees and reducing the risk of spreading Covid-19. Some companies have announced to accommodate work from home opportunities to their employees for an indefinite period.
“Indefinite” – that’s the keyword. Because we are now more than ever, unsure of what the future is going to hold. Even the most optimistic are giving it a second thought before making statements.
Further, the privilege of working from home is only provided to certain roles in a business. Frontline workers, healthcare professionals, emergency teams, and other essential workers are required to put their lives at risk and continue to work to get things moving because the show must go on – literally.
Covid-19 Compliance At Workplace
Another common theme that we will find as we go back to the workplace would be the preventative measures that companies are following to comply with the Covid-19 regulations.
You may have observed that every establishment, residential or commercial, has a sanitizer dispenser and manual temperature checkpoints to ensure that every person entering the premises is checked for symptoms of Covid-19.
Further, almost every establishment is being proactive about wearing a mask and not allowing individuals entry into the establishment if they do not wear a mask.
Some businesses have also reorganized their seating arrangements so that employees can work efficiently without worrying about physical distancing at work. Each work desk is placed within a minimum of five feet distance.
Additionally, businesses and organizations are voluntarily providing personal protection equipment (bodysuits, masks, face shields, and more) to their employees. These measures are now a common scene in the travel, hospitality, and healthcare industries.
Taking Advantage Of Touchless Technology For A Safer Workplace
While businesses around the world are following the safety protocols, they are also open to explore better ways to minimize physical contact, especially at the workplace.
By introducing certain touchless technologies, business owners are looking at reducing the spread of Covid-19 at business spaces by reducing the very source of the virus spread – physical contact.
Visitor and employment management systems are not a new concept. However, a makeover is necessary to accommodate the safety and security concerns of businesses.
When we are aware that the virus spreads easily and sustains on all kinds of surfaces and resistant to several anti-bacterial formulations, safety cannot be compromised.
Touchless technologies, such as Fidentity are making the noise in a market that is desperately looking for reliable contactless visitor management solutions.
To put it briefly, Fidentity is a lifecycle visitor management system designed to provide superior safety and security to users. Powered by cloud technology and AI, this touchless visitor management system can be customized, helping businesses ensure safety and provide a world-class experience to their visitors at the same time.
Users can identify, store, and analyze the data recorded by the cloud-powered sensors, helping businesses make informed decisions about their front desk and organizational operations.
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